General Election July 4th 2024

Animal Welfare Party stood four candidates in the 2024 General Election in London, Hampshire and Dorset.

AWP’s Candidates Vanessa Hudson, Professor Andrew Knight, Sasha Jolliffe & Gavin Ridley


AWP’s Results in the 2024 General Election:

In New Forest East, AWP’s Professor Andrew Knight received 410 votes / 0.9%

In New Forest West, Gavin Ridley received 393 votes / 0.8%

In Bethnal Green & Stepney, Vanessa Hudson received 348 votes / 0.7%

In Christchurch, Sasha Jolliffe Yasawi received 335 votes / 0.7%

We thank all those voting for and supporting our party in so many ways.

In an election that was, at times, a difficult one for smaller parties, AWP is very proud of these results which are broadly similar across diverse constituencies and reflect a sustained level of support irrespective of location. We take great heart in knowing that, despite a lack of mainstream media exposure, there is an appetite across the UK for policies of compassion, fairness and sustainability.

AWP’s Key Policies for the General Election Included:

Prioritising the climate & biodiversity in all decision-making

Improving human & planet health & saving NHS funds by leading on an urgent transition to healthy & sustainable plant-based diets

Ending farming & fishing practices, systems & subsidies which are harmful to animals, biodiversity & our planet

Improving product labelling to allow consumers to make more informed choices in line with their interests & principles on the environment, health, animal welfare & the social circumstances in which a product is produced

Establishing a separate Government department for Animal Protection

Ending all animal slaughter without prior stunning & high concentration CO2 gassing

Better protecting companion animals with compulsory licensing, tightening breeding regulations & ending breed-specific legislation

Ending the exotic pet trade and the sale of animals online & in retail stores

Increasing penalties for those convicted of animal abuse, raising the maximum custodial sentence to 10 years

Including Animal Protection in education & ending school egg hatching projects

Ending all animal testing, with binding targets for reduction combined with proper funding & real support for non-animal methods

Closing all UK ports & airports to the import & transit of live animals inc. monkeys & other primates to supply the animal testing industries

Ending the commercial racing of horses & dogs

Taking tough action on wildlife crime

Ending the badger cull, banning trail hunting & further strengthening the fox-hunting ban

Prioritising protection of the New Forest’s unique wildlife and animals, working to reduce traffic speed and animal conflicts

Supporting all calls for an immediate ceasefire in the Israel Gaza conflict, the free flow of aid into Gaza, the protection of all civilians and the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages


AWP’s 2024 General Election Manifesto can be found here: Animal Welfare Party 2024 General Election Manifesto

Our 2024 General Election Candidates

Vanessa Hudson 

AWP Candidate for Bethnal Green & Stepney Constituency, London 

Leader of AWP since 2010, Vanessa believes that fighting the climate and biodiversity crises and ending speciesism are some of the most urgent and moral imperatives of our time.

A Producer in the media industry by profession, Vanessa was born in Sheffield, and grew up in Nottinghamshire. She studied at the University of Liverpool before moving to London by way of Hong Kong and Sydney. She has lived in Bethnal Green for the past 15 years, drawn to the area by its unique sense of community.

Vanessa has followed a vegan diet for the past 29 years. In 2006, Vanessa was a founding member of Vegan Runners UK and later became the club’s Press Secretary.

Vanessa joined Animals Count / AWP in 2009, taking over the leadership from Jasmijn De Boo in 2010. Vanessa greatly enjoys working with other animal parties from around the world and takes huge encouragement from the growth of the international Animal Politics movement and the successes many parties within it are enjoying at local, national and EU Parliament level.


Professor Andrew Knight BSc./BVMS, PhD (Griff.), PhD (Winch.), MANZCVS, DipECAWBM (AWSEL), DipACAW, FRCVS, PFHEA 

AWP Candidate for New Forest East Constituency, Hampshire 

Andrew Knight has been trying to improve the welfare of animals, people and the environment, for all of his adult life. He was a dog and cat veterinarian for nearly a decade, before being recruited to teach at one of the world’s largest veterinary schools. He’s now a veterinary Professor of Animal Welfare affiliated with three universities, and was Founding Director of the highly successful University of Winchester Centre for Animal Welfare. He regularly works with animal welfare charities to advocate for animals, and speaks and writes on numerous animal welfare issues annually. He is frequently interviewed by the media and has been honoured with 15 awards for his work advancing animal welfare and education. He loves jogging in the New Forest, and is passionate about improving the welfare of people, animals and the environment.


Gavin Ridley 

AWP Candidate New Forest West Constituency, Hampshire 

Gavin grew up close to the New Forest National Park and is passionate about the living world and the environment. With a background in law, Gavin has a strong sense of justice, including how that affects animals and their rights, believing that we, as guardians, have a moral duty to ensure that the living world and the environment are protected.

Gavin involves himself with animal welfare issues, and has campaigned for changes in the law. He is founder of the Pet Refuge Project, a charity focussed on assisting victims of domestic abuse with companion animals to leave by finding safety for the animals too.

Gavin has a BA in law from the University of Oxford, and Master’s Degrees in Social Policy, Law and Criminal Psychology and International Animal Welfare, Ethics and Law.

Gavin believes that there is no moral justification for the continued differential treatment of animals, and that we must ensure speciesism is addressed and tackled. He thinks that not only is it right that animals be afforded more protection, but feels we can influence animal welfare internationally by leading by example.


Sasha Jolliffe 

AWP Candidate for Christchurch Constituency, Dorset 

Originally from Kazakhstan, Sasha relocated to the UK after a period of international travel whilst working in hospitality. Raised in a household with parents from contrasting political, religious, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds, he developed a keen interest in diverse perspectives. This upbringing fostered his passion for activism.

With degrees in Psychology, Arts, and Politics, Sasha has cultivated a diverse skill set. Having made Dorset home, Sasha is an Advocacy Ambassador at We The Free and Our Planet Theirs Too (NARD).

As a political candidate and activist, Sasha is committed to championing the ethical treatment of animals, environmental sustainability, and social justice. He believes in the principles of non-violence, equality, diversity, and compassionate dialogue, striving to build a society that respects all living beings.

Sasha advocates for policies that promote ecological balance, protect habitats, and recognise the rights of all animals. He is dedicated to bridging the increasing gap between mental and physical health, recognising they are not separate but interconnected. Sasha also emphasises the importance of equality, diversity, and health in education, aiming to foster a more inclusive and compassionate society.

Through unity and collaboration, Sasha seeks to create alliances that bridge divides and foster collective action, advocating for a balanced approach that asserts the importance of shared values and mutual respect.

The 2024 General Election will be the fifth General Election our party has contested.

AWP would like to extend our sincere thanks to our Members and Supporters for enabling us to field candidates at short notice in this election.

Future Candidates

For those interested in standing as a candidate in future elections, the information below may be of interest.

Webinar recording: ‘Standing as a Candidate for Animal Welfare Party in the General Election’

Interested in finding out more about standing as a candidate for Animal Welfare Party in the next General Election? Watch a recording of our recent webinar ‘Standing as a Candidate for Animal Welfare Party in the General Election’. Find out more about our party, what’s involved in standing for election and hear about the experiences of previous candidates.
More about standing as an Animal Welfare Party Candidate 

To stand for Animal Welfare Party in this election you must be a Full Adult Member of the party and complete an ‘Expression of Interest Form’. Non Members, Associate Members and Young Members aren’t eligible to stand as candidates for the party in this election. If you’re not currently a Member of our party, you’ll need to become a Member of our party before you apply. You can become a Member here. 

We welcome applications from people who live vegan or vegetarian lifestyles.

Whilst our manifesto for the next General Election isn’t yet published, our manifesto for the last General Election (2019) can be viewed here.


How to Express Interest in Standing as an AWP Candidate:

As with all political parties, AWP candidates must take part in a selection process.

The form here provides full details of how to express interest in being an AWP General Election Candidate. Please download the form and fill it out.

To apply, the following items must be returned to this email address: 

1. The completed form – saved with your name in the title
2. Your CV / Resume
3. A link to your supporting video within the body of your email

Deadline: Please submit applications as soon as possible. The application period will soon closing and the page will be updated with a closing date in due course.

We thank you for giving this matter your consideration.
If you feel there are others in your networks who might also be interested in this, please feel free to share a link to this page with them.