This week AWP Councillor Jane Smith addressed Cheshire East Borough Council’s Cabinet asking them to provide daily plant-based options in school canteens across the borough, with a view to progressing towards a wholly plant-based menu one day a week. Smith was given one minute to address the cabinet at it’s monthly meeting in Sandbach, Cheshire. AWP has long called for healthy plant-based options to be made available in all schools at every meal believing this to be key to lowering rates of childhood obesity … Animal Welfare Party is delighted to welcome the Dowager Duchess of Hamilton, Kay Hamilton, as the party’s newest member. A longstanding and high-profile member of the SNP, the Dowager Duchess publicly resigned her SNP membership today and joined AWP, citing the SNP’s recent refusal to support a UK-wide ban on live animal exports, which she called “shameful”. Animal Welfare Party has long campaigned for a total ban on live exports, as well as the minimisation of farmed animals’ journeys within the UK. On 14th June, as part …AWP Councillor Jane Smith Asks Cheshire East Cabinet to Provide Plant-Based Options in Schools
AWP Delighted to Welcome Dowager Duchess of Hamilton, Kay Hamilton as newest Member